Parties to a divorce agreement in Minnesota may agree to spousal support as part of the decree. However, parties may forever bind themselves to a certain amount of support, or no support at all, by entering a Karon waiver. The waiver is named after a 1989 Minnesota...
Resolution Through Negotiation
Family law and child custody representation in Minnesota's Twin Cities.
Year: 2015
Common court forms used during a Minnesota divorce: Part 1
The process of divorce can sometimes become tedious. That's because there always seems to be many forms that must be filled out and filed with a court. The state of Minnesota does require couples to fill out different forms during a divorce, however, not all of the...
What factors does a Minnesota court consider for alimony?
Divorce is not a one size fits all process. This means that the different elements of a divorce, including alimony, are decided on a case by case basis. In Minnesota, alimony is not automatic, but is at the discretion of the court. But what economic factors do...
Neurosurgeon attempts to steal child custody documents in court
Divorce seems to bring out the worst in some people. Whether it's trying to hide assets during the trial or failing to pay the proper amount of spousal support, some individuals are determined to make divorce a war that must be won at any cost. Now it seems that one...
Celebrity chef fights new court battle with ex-wife
Just because a divorce has been finalized doesn't mean that the process is permanently over. There are times when new issues can arise such as a request to change alimony or to increase a parent's visitation time with their children. Recently, one famous TV chef found...
Real estate that must be listed during a Minnesota divorce
Property division can be one of the most difficult areas to settle during a divorce. There can be many reasons for these disputes, including the desire of both parties to remain at their primary residence and the possibility that the couple owned several different...
What factors help determine property division in Minnesota?
There are many issues at stake whenever a couple decides to seek a divorce. Even if the separation is amicable, thorny issues such as alimony, child support and property division can complicate the process. However, Minnesota courts use a variety of factors in order...
Grounds for annulling a marriage in Minnesota
Human beings often make mistakes in life, from choosing the wrong school or job to even choosing the wrong partner in life. However, if someone realizes that their marriage is failing, they can choose to end it. While divorce is the most common method to end a...
Actress Halle Berry announces divorce
When people in Minnesota plan on getting married, they often plan on a lifetime together. Romantics may actually believe that they will spend the rest of their lives with their spouse. But, in reality, divorce is a serious possibility for many couples. No matter how...
How does Minnesota recognize paternity?
Minnesota residents know that being a father comes with a lot of responsibilities. A child must be provided for properly, and this means that a father may need to contribute to the child's food, shelter, medical care and education needs. However, in order for a...