Being a grandparent is one of the joys of growing older. Grandchildren bring life and love to a home, filling it once again with the sound of playful laughter and learning. For many grandparents, learning that their child will be divorcing is difficult. They were...
Resolution Through Negotiation
Family law and child custody representation in Minnesota's Twin Cities.
Grandparents’ Rights
Situations when Minnesota grandparents can seek visitation rights
It's unfortunate, but not all Minnesota grandparents are able to visit their grandchildren. Their relationship with the child's parents may have broken down or the family may have moved out of state. However, there are situations when a Minnesota grandparent can file...
Grantparents in Minnesota may have visitation rights
Determining the best interests of a child in Minnesota is not limited to a parent's custody and participation in their lives. State law also grants grandparent visitation after divorces, under certain circumstances. A minor child's grandparent may petition a court for...
How are grandparents’ visitation rights recognized in Minnesota?
Minnesota divorce and visitation issues often involve disputes between the parents over their rights to custody and other matters pertaining to their children. Child custody planning, however, should also incorporate rights legally afforded to grandparents in this...
What factors help determine grandparents’ rights in Minnesota?
Many Minnesota grandparents share a special bond with their grandchildren. They treasure their relationship and see in these children all the possibilities that life can offer. But what happens if the child's parents become unfit to raise their own children or simply...
St. Paul grandparents have rights too
This blog regularly focuses on the issues Minnesota parents face when divorcing or separating from their spouse. St. Paul family law attorney Janet L. Goehle, though, also strives to provide superior representation to local grandparents in the St. Paul area. A...
What are the extent of grandparents’ rights in Minnesota?
This blog regularly focuses on issues concerning divorce and child custody as they relate to parents. Such issues, though, may be just as pressing for grandparents. Unfortunately, their rights are often suppressed by parents or other guardians who have direct access...
As divorces change, grandparents’ rights center of many cases
This blog regularly focuses on parents going through divorce. During divorce, not only are an individual's financial welfare and rights to certain assets sometimes up in the air, but parents seeking a split must also go through the harrowing process of determining...
Grandparents’ rights often overlooked by Minnesotans
This blog regularly reports on family law issues facing Twin City residents. From divorce deals to custody cases, Minnesota families have all sorts of regulations, which may affect their relationships with other members of the family. One of the relationships that are...
Grandparents taking on increasing roles in Minnesota families
Many Minnesota grandparents are taking on roles that previous generations reserved mostly for parents. They prepare meals, help out with homework and often serve as primary caregivers to their grandchildren. Statistics show this is becoming an increasingly common...