When parents divorce with children, one of the biggest issues is naturally how parenting time will be divided. Summer can provide particular challenges to co-parenting by divorced parents. Children may have lessons, activities and camps to attend, sometimes with...
Resolution Through Negotiation
Family law and child custody representation in Minnesota's Twin Cities.
Month: May 2016
Can my parental rights be reinstated?
If you have had your parental rights revoked, you may be able to have them reinstated thanks to the Family Reunification Act of 2013. It used to be that once your legal relationship with your child was terminated, you were not eligible to have it reinstated. As a...
Risks of trial may merit negotiation of divorce settlement
A spouse facing divorce can have a range of emotions about the breakdown of the marriage that may include sadness, resignation, anxiety, despair, anger or embarrassment, depending on the circumstances. Some people going into the divorce process feel extreme hostility...
Divorce and marital property
Divorce is not just a dissolution of marriage, it also a dividing of marital property and financial assets. Some people in Minnesota find it easy to reach an agreement, while others find the path a bit more difficult. People who want to protect their rights and their...
How does parental relocation affect child custody?
If you have been awarded primary custody of your children and want to move out of Minnesota, you may face certain challenges if there is a parenting time agreement in place. Noncustodial parents have rights that may be violated if they do not agree to the relocation...
How parenting time affects child support
Child support orders are awarded to ensure that noncustodial parents meet their financial obligations regarding the care of their children. However in Minnesota, parenting time can affect child support orders. Child support does not automatically grant or revoke the...