This blog regularly reports on the evolution of the divorce process. The negative connotations associated with divorce may be deserved but, more and more, these negative connotations are becoming irrelevant. Minnesota harbors divorce proceedings that encourage amicable solutions. A new report out of Tennessee helps explain why.
Nashville has seen a rise in a process tagged collaborative divorce. The process, according to the reports, got its start in Minnesota in the 1980’s. Essentially, it calls for divorcees to work together to iron out property settlements and child custody arrangements. This teamwork has started to infiltrate the divorce process all over the country. In the Twin City area, collaborative divorce is nothing new.
Certainly, divorces can be bitterly contested and contentious proceedings may be unavoidable with certain parties. But, the laws and aura surrounding the process now push for a more amicable path.
Local St. Paul attorneys are experts at conforming to each particular situation, whether bitter or amicable. They can easily adapt to aggressively advocating for a parent’s rights in a contested divorce to astutely managing the details of an agreeable property settlement.
Even when a separating couple decides that they can come to terms without a bitter legal battle, an attorney still might be needed to help the couple avoid missteps, including tax consequences and unenforceable agreements.
The world of divorce is much change from 30 years ago. While Minnesota may have been the birthplace of a collaborative divorce, not until now has the process really taken hold throughout the country. Today, divorcees can customize a divorce to whatever their particular needs may be. This flexibility has allowed for families to actually strengthen after a divorce.
Source: WUSA9, “Collaborative divorce offers options to court battles,” John Partipilo, March 21, 2013