Divorce is a word we hear almost every single day. Despite the commonality, however, many Minnesota residents do not understand simple concepts associated with a divorce. Instead, they are inundated with media that spins a distorted view of reality. Fortunately, Minnesota’s judges are committed to helping residents understand what is required and involved in divorce proceedings.
On its website, Minnesota’s courts have provided a list of divorce basics. Among them is a note that what is commonly referred to as divorce is more appropriately named a “dissolution of marriage” in Minnesota. Also, the courts inform inquiring minds that to get a dissolution of marriage in Minnesota, one of the spouses must be a resident for at least the past 180 days.
Maybe most important, though, is the Courts’ disclaimer that a divorce is “a lot more complicated” than getting married. Truer words may not exist. While a marriage involves little more than saying, “I do,” and obtaining a license from the state, a divorce almost always requires a property settlement and parenting plan. Given the rights at stake, these issues are not easily resolved with a form and signature.
While the state provides excellent resources to spouses seeking a divorce, there is a gap in coverage. State agencies aim to be completely objective and unbiased in the help they provide spouses. Therefore, a spouse who knows it will take a fight to obtain the alimony, spousal support, property settlement, or custody arrangement they desire will not receive appropriate assistance from the courts.
Instead, these individuals need a local family law lawyer who will fight for their preferred resolution. These experts know the ins and outs of divorce law and employ it to help you get what you want out of the divorce.
Source: Minnesota Courts, “Divorce Basics,” accessed on Aug. 12, 2014