Parenting can be challenging for everyone, especially during the holidays. Divorced parents tend to face unique challenges that some find difficult to address and deal with. The holidays are supposed to be a time filled with joy and cheer. While family traditions may...
Resolution Through Negotiation
Family law and child custody representation in Minnesota's Twin Cities.
Year: 2012
What are grandparents’ rights in Minnesota?
Divorce not only impacts couples but children and grandparents as well. While divorce means parents will no longer be sharing a life together, children and their grandparents should still be able to see each other. Grandparents' rights across the country have been...
Tips for communicating with your child after divorce
One of the biggest challenges divorced parents face is communicating with their children. All parents struggle with communicating with their children at some point, especially during their teenage years. Parents who have gotten divorced should be aware that they need...
Older couples getting divorced face different challenges
The U.S. has seen an increase in older couples filing for divorce. The trend has been called a "gray divorce" and the increase in baby boomer divorces has created different challenges that younger couples may not face when getting a divorce. Older couples getting...
Child custody basics every Minnesota parent should know
Child custody can become a heated issue during Minnesota divorces. It is important for parents getting divorced to understand the basics of child custody so they know what to expect and what challenges may surface during their divorce proceedings. Under Minnesota law,...
More women at risk for losing health insurance after divorce
Divorce can impact all aspects of a person's life but a new study found just how much divorce impacts an individual's health insurance. A study done by the University of Michigan found that an estimated 115,000 women lose their private health insurance coverage every...